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Emmanuel Saye – From Liberia to Scaling Real Estate Operations in the US

Emmanuel Saye – From Liberia to Scaling Real Estate Operations in the US

Please introduce yourself.

Hello, my name is Emmanuel L. Saye, and I was born in Liberia. I began my real estate career when I was 21 years old. I purchased my first property, stayed in it for two months, and began renting out the top floor and the basement. I relocated to Baltimore and shared a two-bedroom apartment with my sister, her boyfriend, and my wife. For two years, I did this to save money and study from YouTube and other professor friends. I now have 3 rental properties, have sold, fixed and flipped three properties, and have wholesaled five properties around MD, KY, VA and NC. My team consists of my wife and myself.

What are some hot markets for real estate that you are excited about?

I am optimistic about the markets in NC, KY and IO.

How do you source your real estate deals?

I source through Propstream, Redfin, as well as Driving For Dollars/Wholesaler.

What are some checks and balances you’ve put in place to protect your real estate transactions?

I’ve engaged a lawyer and a tax/finance professional to assist me in running my business.

What is one piece of advice you would give someone starting their real estate career?

Be action-oriented. Join investment groups on Facebook, reach out, and remember to make adjustments as necessary.

What is one software you use for your business and recommend to others?


What is your superpower in life?

Team engagement and leadership

What is a failure you’ve had in life that set you up for eventual success?

My failure has been due to a lack of proper education. I was born and raised in Liberia amidst 14 years of civil war; after the war, Ebola emerged and contributed to the country’s high poverty rates. When I was given the opportunity to study in America, I told myself that I would always be optimistic and strive to be better than I was the day before so that I could give back to the people of Liberia.

What is one book that has influenced your life the most? Why?

Tavis Smiley’s 50 For Your Future. Tavis offers 50 hard-won life lessons in this book. He discussed altering goals and overcoming adversity in life and business.

  • July 18, 2022
  • 2 min read
About Author
